Bruce Lepper Patterns



Songbirds (New check some come in colour )
Blackbird, Red Winged $6.00
Bluebird, Eastern $4.00

Bluebird, Eastern Colour $8.00
Bluebird, Eastern open wing $4.00
Bunting, Indigo $4.00

Cardinal, Northern (Male)  $4.00
Cardinal, Northern (Female) $4.00
Chickadee, Blk Capped $4.00

Chickadee, Blk Capped Colour $8.00
Creeper, Brown $4.00

Creeper, Brown Colour $8.00
Finch, House $4.00
Finch, Purple $4.00
Flycatcher, Great Crested $4.00

Flycatcher, Great Crested Colour $8.00

Flycatcher, Vermilion Colour $8.00
Goldfinch, American open wing $4.00

Goldfinch, American Colour $8.00
Grosbeak, Evening $4.00
Grosbeak, Rose Breasted $4.00
Jay, Blue $6.00
Junco, Dark Eyed $4.00

Junco, Dark Eyed Colour $8.00
Kinglet, Golden Crown $3.00
Nuthatch, Red Breasted $4.00
Oriole, Balitmore $4.00
Ovenbird $4.00
Redstart, American $4.00
Redstart, American Colour $8.00

Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied $4.00

Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied Colour $8.00
Sparrow, White Crowned $4.00

Sparrow, White Crowned Colour $8.00
Swallow, Barn $4.00

Swallow, Barn Colour With notes $8.00

Tanager, Scarlet $4.00
Tit, Eurasian Blue $4.00
Tit, Eurasian Blue Colour $8.00
Warbler, Blackburnian $4.00
Warbler, Blue Winged $4.00
Warbler, Prothonotary $4.00
Warbler, Yellow $4.00
Waxwing, Cedar $4.00
Woodpecker, Downy $4.00
Woodpecker, Downy Colour $8.00
Woodpecker, Red headed $6.00
Wren, Carolina $4.00

Wren, Carolina Colour $8.00


Birds of Prey
Hawk, American Kestrel $6.00
Hawk, Sharp Shinned $6.00
Pygmy Owl, Northern $4.00

Pygmy Owl, Northern Colour $8.00